Half term is now upon us! We hope that you and your children enjoy the break. We are aware that many of the children will be celebrating Halloween during the holiday and hope that they have a suitably ghoulish time! However, we are aware of the dangers that can arise at this time of year and so have included the poster below with some top tips for enjoying a happy and safe halloween.
You will have received details of our creative half term homework project by now. If you child has chosen to make a peg doll they will bring a peg home from school this evening.
Our focus in literacy this week has been on imagery in poetry. We have had great fun writing alliteration poems and searching for powerful similes, metaphors and personification in poems. We will continue with this work in the first week back after half term. Also in the first week back after the holiday the children will be visiting the synagogue in St Albans as part of their RE work. We are looking forward to a stimulating visit.
With best wishes
The Year 6 Team.