Today saw an amazing array of costumes representing many characters from various poems. well done to everyone who dressed up. Mrs Wellham and myself, without any consultation managed to both arrive at school dressed as Little Miss Muffet- so in tune it is unnerving!
We were thoroughly entertained in our morning assembly by a visiting poet/ stand up comedian who then ran a workshop on poetry writing for each year group throughout the day. Year 6 enjoyed their session this afternoon.
We have made a start on our assessments this week and everyone has worked really hard to do their best so far. The assessments continue into next week and for those more able readers a final level 6 reading test, if we feel it is appropriate, will take place on Monday 21st October.
As we try to make our afternoon sessions a bit more relaxed we would ask you to save empty cereal packets and bring them into school so that we can make World War II aeroplanes. Thank you to those who have already done so- keep eating the cereal!
The Year 6 Team