Year 6 homework
for half term
Over the half
term week we would like you to become creative!
In our topic on
WWII we have been talking about the need to ‘make do and mend’.
In today’s
world many of us have become a throwaway society which goes totally against
this idea.
So, we are
asking you to make something new out of something old.
You could:
Use a wooden peg to make a peg doll- sized
for a dolls house. You could use old scraps of fabric and or ribbon to make
clothing for your doll, wool scraps to make hair etc. (School will provide a
suitable peg for this) Maybe you could create something for your peg doll to
play with…
Use old cardboard boxes or plastic bottles to
make a vehicle which has plastic bottle top wheels.
Make a frame
from cardboard and string to weave a rag rug out of scraps of wool,
ribbon or material.
When we went to
Hendon we saw examples of these in the room where we had our workshop.
We look forward
to seeing your efforts.