Friday, 4 October 2013

Autumn has arrived!

As the weather changes and the rainy days become more frequent we still aim to get the children out to play as often as possible- it would be really helpful if you could ensure that all children have some sort of waterproof coat so that they do not get fleeces wet which many of them then wear in the classroom in place of a sweatshirt.

This week we have been looking at fiction genres in literacy- there have been some great book reviews this week- look out for them over the term in the newsletter. In addition we have begun to set the scene for the creation of a short story written by the children and we shall be building upon the setting description already written by exploring the development of characters and creating tension to engage our reader in stories.

Over the next few weeks we will be starting the termly assessments in year 6. We would ask therefore that where possible, unless your child is unwell, appointments for dentist, doctor etc are made out of school hours so that children are not playing catch up with assessments. Tests will begin on Thursday 10th October and run through the whole of the following week.

During the afternoons of these days we will be trying to make the lessons more lighthearted so children can have a more relaxing time than normal inthe afternoons.

In order to help with this, could we ask that you begin to collect empty cereal packets as we will be needing the cardboard for the creation of World War II aeroplanes. If you have any empty boxes, please flatten them and then when children bring them in they can be put in the art area at the back of their classrooms.

Thank you in advance for your support with this.

The year 6 team.