Well, this last week certainly saw the children working extremely hard. Everyone tried their best during assessment week and after a tiring week for all, teachers included as they marked all the assessments, it was nice to get to Friday and have a slightly more light-hearted day. A huge well done to everyone!
As we look head to the final week before half term we still have plenty going on to keep us busy.
In literacy this week we will be looking at poetry and having fun with using words in a slightly different way. Topic sees us completing our work on the Battle of Britain- soon to be raging above the art areas in both classrooms.
This week will see a return to the usual homework format with maths set on Monday and literacy on Wednesday.
Over half term we will be asking the children to do something linked to our topic that requires a little more creativity. We will be setting a make do and mend project. As many of you will have heard there was a great bid to recycle during world war II as there weren't the raw materials around to make new things- we are going to ask the children to create something new out of something old over the holiday week- perhaps using old wool to knit or crochet something new. Use a wooden peg to make a peg doll dressed in recycled clothing or a rag rug, using a string and cardboard frame to weave a rug out of old pieces of material or ribbon. If your powers of creativity are really good then maybe a toy vehicle made from bottle tops and cardboard boxes.
We will be sending more information out with the children this week, but in the meantime please start collecting and thinking about possible ideas with your children.
We look forward to seeing their creations.It is their work remember!
The Year 6 Team