Friday, 15 November 2013

Thank you to all those parents who were able to join us this morning for our year group assembly- I think we would all agree that the children enjoyed presenting what they have learnt over the term so far and we hope that you enjoyed watching. The number of parents who were able to visit the classrooms to share the 'Make do and mend' displays was really great to see.

Moving away from the assembly, it was lovely to meet so many parents this week during our parent teacher consultations and as a result of some queries we will be sourcing a book list of suitable authors and titles to publish in the near future. We will publish this on here or the school website under year 6.

Over the next few weeks we will be continuing with our literacy unit on persuasive writing- the children will be creating their own speeches designed to persuade others to their point of view- beware, with Christmas on the horizon they may well be fine tuning their persuasive skils in the direction of a Christmas list!