Sunday, 22 September 2013

Well already we are half way through the first half term and the time is positively whizzing by.
All children are now well and truly settled into their new routines in year 6 and are working hard.

The trip to launch our topic seems a very long time ago and the children are fully immersed in the World War II topic. There have been some amazing stories researched about life in WWII and we have shared some of the artifacts brought in.

This week we are looking at writing biographies based upon one of the many 2012 Olympic gold medal winners- children should have been researching their information over the weekend ready to share their findings with a partner in Monday's literacy session. Throughout their lessons they will be presenting their biography orally and then writing it up during Big Writing later in the week.

On Thursday we shall be celebrating European Day of Languages, Elm will be studying Germany and Elder, Denmark. Due to time tabling we shall be working on this at Wednesday afternoon and presenting our findings during an afternoon assembly on Thursday.

We're looking forward to hearing and reading the information the children have found for their biographies.

The Year 6 Team