Monday, 22 September 2014

Life continues a pace in year 6.

This week we are finishing off our work on biographies with children either writing about Roald Dahl or a sports personality of their choice.

Following our trip to Hendon the children are really beginning to get their teeth into their World War II topic. Some children have brought in the most amazing artifacts and we look forward to sharing all of those soon.

By the end of this week we should be able to announce the many positions of responsibility that the children in year 6 hold- children will find these out in the achievement assembly on Friday. Elections for various positions take place across the school on Thursday when we have been fortunate enough to secure the use of the polling booths many of you use on local election days- a real experience for our young voters. A big thank you to all who have put themselves forward for these.

Spellings this week are all linked to adding -ing to verbs. Children should have brought home their list  today. Tests will be on Friday.

On Wednesday we look forward to the follow up work shops by the NSPCC who delivered an assembly to years 5 and 6 a few weeks ago. Each of the year 6 classes will have a session in the afternoon.

Friday is the day when Crabtree will be celebrating the European Day of Languages. With support from Mme Baikie all the children in year 6 will be spending the afternoon researching facts about a French speaking country- it may not actually be in Europe, but will have French as the main spoken language. Remember to ask your children all about it on Friday when they come home.

Musical activities began in earnest this week with choir and orchestra restarting. We are always open to new members for both so if there are any budding musicians who thus far haven't felt confident enough to join our school orchestra please speak top Mrs Doran or Mr Bishop about giving it a go.

The Year 6 Team