I must admit that Year 6 was much different to my head’s
random ideas. It was pretty stressful but not as much as I thought it might be.
I have most
enjoyed the excitement of a new beginning. New homework diary, harder work,
word book, your own folder everything is better (except more homework of
course)! To begin our new topic; terrifically we visited RAF Hendon, the Royal Air
Force museum. I have to say, I’m sure I’m not the one who enjoyed it the most
as halfway through I had to be collected by my Dad after hurting my leg climbing out of a plane!
After our trip, I’m sure we all knew a lot more about WW2 because of the many
intruiging planes and the interesting timeline.
Obviously, one of our biggest
events was choosing all of the sport captains and head boy and girl and also school councillers. All
of Year 6 agree it feels great to have a big responsibility – especially voted
for or chosen by Miss Thomas.
It’s hard to believe
we're in year 6 and in one year we will be heading off to a new school, where
ever we go? And it doesn’t feel like we’ve been here for a month, but I am
really looking forward to this year. Especially English and PE…