Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Head Boy and Head Girl Presentations

Head Boy and Head Girl Specification

The Head Boy and Head Girl will work with the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher in the following ways:

·         to show Visitors around the school

·         to take part in or organise and lead whole school assemblies – twice termly

·         to help with the timetabling of the activity trail and the use of playground equipment

·         to ‘man’ the school telephone during lunch break – twice weekly

·         to co-ordinate the writing of ‘match’ requests for the weekly newsletter – when appropriate

·         to award points for lining up after lunch break – twice weekly

·         to prepare the agenda and help ‘chair’ school council meetings – once every ½ term

·         to provide a summary of school council achievements in the school magazine – termly

·         to organise and update the pupil information board – when necessary

Person Specification

The types of qualities we expect of our Head boy and girl include that they should be:                 

·         responsible
·         organised
·         motivated
·         good time management
·         reliable
·         caring
·         offers to help
·         sees solutions not problems


·         able to work as part of a team
·         can work with both pupils and adults
·         can motivate other

Remember that you will be expected to be a role model for the rest of the school.  To apply you should let your class teacher know that you are interested in the position and have your 3 minute presentations ready for Monday.  You will then show these to your class and the successful pupils will show their presentations to the rest of the school.
On Thursday 25th September we will be having a polling station in the hall for the whole school to vote.  The successful candidates will find out in achievement assembly on Friday 26th September.

Good luck!