We have had a very busy week so far and are all set to finish with our visit to Hendon tomorrow.
Below is the homework set by Mme Baikie:
French Homework for the weekend. Due in on Monday
ready for French on Tuesday:
Your homework this weekend is to create a cover for
your French book using the computer.
You can either print this out at home
or save it to the learning platform and then print it out in school.
There are some words that you must include in your
cover and they appear below.
You will need to search, using Google
or such, Second World War posters in French, type in
2ème Guerre Mondiale Posters en français- some examples are on the sheet you
were given in school.
In order to get the letters with the
accents you need to insert symbol and select appropriately.
Make sure that you save your cover, either at home
or to the learning platform so that if you need a new book you will be able to
print out a new cover.
Wording for your front cover should
2013- 2014
Cours Moyen Deuxième Année
Madame Baikie