Monday, 21 December 2015

Merry Xmas from the Year 6 team.

Dear Y6 parents and children

The year 6 team would like to wish you all a fabulous Christmas! We have been so impressed by the children's work ethic, exemplar behaviour and maturity this term.

We are looking forward to starting a new term in January and learn all about the Ancient Greeks.

In the meantime, we leave you with our Christmas wishes in the form of a little performance, which, as you will see, took months to practise and master.

Very king regards

The Year 6 team

PS: We would also all like to say a huge thank you for your very generous gifts: chocolates, wine, smellies; they were really appreciated and we felt thoroughly spoilt. Thank you.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Year 6 Xmas Song

Dear Year 6 children and parents,

The end of term is approaching fast which means we are all getting very excited and very busy all at the same time!

Today, the children will have the chance to take part in a Spitfire Workshop making Spitfires out of willow. Photos to follow. The children are also very much looking forward to performing in their assembly tomorrow morning. They made their teachers very proud yesterday with their performance to school.

The children have only been set one piece of homework this weekend and that is to learn the words to their Christmas concert song. I will ask my class, in particular, to be very committed to learning the words and impress me in our rehearsal on Monday.

Thank you all for all your hard work this week Year 6. I am very grateful to my Elder class who I am told have been working very hard whilst I have not been in school. I am looking forward to catching up with them all on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Renier.

Put those dreams on a sleigh

I would like to say to you  thank you
This old town in winter is so pretty and
Always feel your loving signs running around my mind
when the day I leave this bauble
I'll turn around and remember it all
dreams you worked hard to gift me
A freedom you want to leave me

So here I go Am still scratching around looking in my soul
My body feels young but my mind is getting older
So what do I say?
I can share all the dreams that aren't just mine anyway
Other kids  a world away
I can put dreams on a sleigh

I would like to say thank you
This old town in snow is so pretty and
Always feel your caring signs running around my mind
And the day I leave this magic
I'll turn around think back at its fabric
A safe haven you have given me
A winter wonderland to inspire me

So here I go Am still scratching around looking in my soul
My body feels young but my mind is getting older
So what do I say?
I can share all the dreams that aren't just mine anyway
Other kids a world away
I can put dreams on a sleigh

Other kids  a world away
You give me, I can share ,put those dreams on a sleigh

Other kids  a world away
You give me, I can share ,put those dreams on a sleigh

Put those dreams on a sleigh


Sunday, 8 November 2015

Welcome back!

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a lovely break over half term and found some time to unwind. We have another busy half term ahead, including our year group assembly and WW2 fantastic finish event, not to mention all the Christmas (do we dare mention it?!) festivities towards the end of the year.

In English, we have started our unit on persuasive speeches. This week the children have had lots of opportunities to listen to a variety of speeches, including that of Martin Luther King Jr, and even perform some for themselves. We have been very impressed by the children’s confidence and ability to engage their audience. We look forward to sharing some of these with you in our class assembly.

In topic, the children have made great starts on their Anderson shelters. Thank you for all your help gathering bits and bobs. Construction will continue next week, when we will finish painting and start adding final details to the gardens. Again, we look forward to sharing these with you later in the year.
Just a small request - would you be able to ensure your children have an updated pencil case. Our Pritt Sticks reserves have  now run out again so we would be very grateful if you could ensure your child  has one in his/her pencil case. Thank you very much.

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable time watching the fireworks at the weekend! We look forward to seeing you for parent consultations on Monday.

Miss Clements and Mrs Renier

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Update from the Year 6 team!

Can you believe we are at the end of week 5 already?! Unsurprisingly, it’s been another busy couple of weeks in year 6. 

We have come to the end of our biography unit in English and next week, will begin our narrative unit. It may be useful during this time to look at the variety of genres that you are reading at home, exploring the differences between them. Why not try a genre different to one that you’d normally choose?

In science, we have been looking at the difference between series and parallel circuits. It would be helpful to have a think about the different circuits that are found around the house and explore why parallel circuits are more often used.

In topic lessons, we have started thinking about the designs for our Victory gardens and Anderson shelters and will soon be experimenting with a variety of materials so see which are most suitable for the task. Please may we ask that you begin a collection of any useful ‘junk’ in the form of boxes, cardboard bases, foil, corrugated card, garden wire and materials to deck out the inside of the shelters of ‘plant’ the gardens. These will be needed in school (brought in in a named plastic carrier bag) to begin construction on Monday 12th October (Elm) or Monday 19th (Elder). Please note that Elm have already made a list in their planners of bits and bobs they may want to bring along.

Finally, we would like to thank both children and parents for homework efforts this week. We have seen some beautifully presented work and great responses to the spelling investigation.

We hope you have a good weekend.

Miss Clements and Mrs Renier


Sunday, 20 September 2015

Welcome back!

A big apology first of all to all Year 6 parents and friends - there have been a few technical issues with the re-booting of the blogs this September, hence why it has taken a little while to get going again.

But not to worry - here is a little summary of what Year 6 has been up to in the last few weeks.

It is without a doubt that the Year 6 team have been impressed by the sheer enthusiasm and determination that the children have demonstrated since day 1 this term. They all came in (well, almost, all!) armed with their homework and an updated pencil-case. Thank you to all parents out there who help prepare their children so well!

Since that day, we have already moved on to our second units in both Mathematics and English. You may have heard that we are looking at Biographies in English. You might want to ask your children some tricky questions on Anne Frank...!

In Science, we have started our topic on Electricity. Whilst we are revising key concepts and we are also consolidating our understanding of fair tests and variables. This week, we will be taking another look at electrical symbols. Let's see how much our little monkeys have remembered since Year 4 (It is a luxury for both myself and Miss Clements to be in that position!).

The children also had a more relaxing day last Friday as we focused on the creative curriculum, looking at re-creating landscapes of London in the Blitz. We will update the blog shortly with some photos. Unfortunately, other activities planned couldn't take place as Head boy/Head girl presentations took precedent. We will no doubt ensure that all the exciting tasks we did have planned do take place over the course of this term. Thank you so much to all those parents for putting so much effort in the children's costumes. Do hang on to them as they will be needed again on the 3rd of December for our workshop/ fantastic finish, where the children will be building a spitfire! Please expect a letter regarding this activity day shortly.

Thanks again also for your support with regards homework so far. That said, some children have struggled a little with completing their reading record. Please remind them that "Reading is breathing in and Writing is breathing out"; their writing will struggle to develop unless they challenge themselves with not only the amount of reading they complete but also the actual content of their reading material.

We wish you a lovely Sunday and look forward to seeing the children again tomorrow.

Mrs Renier and the rest of the Year 6 team.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

It was great to see the children in such fine form this week - they have all made a great start to 2015!  This week saw both classes finishing up their work on WW2, with lessons focusing on the end of the war, including the celebrations and the creation of the United Nations.  In science, both classes completed their work on electrical circuits - considering how electricity flows around a circuit, how electricity can be used safely in the home and learning how to draw their own circuit diagrams. 

Next week, we will begin our Harry Potter topic.  The children should come to school tomorrow ready to be sorted into their Hogwarts houses!  The children will remain in these Hogwarts houses throughout the term and any house points awarded this term will also count as points towards winning the Triwizard Cup (the winning house's treat is yet to be decided).  This week's Hogwarts activities will involve getting to know the characters from the books/films and undertaking some 'magical' (scientific) investigations involving mixing and separating materials.

We look forward to seeing the children in school tomorrow.

The Year 6 team.