Welcome back!
We hope you all
had a lovely break over half term and found some time to unwind. We have
another busy half term ahead, including our year group assembly and WW2
fantastic finish event, not to mention all the Christmas (do we dare mention
it?!) festivities towards the end of the year.
In English, we
have started our unit on persuasive speeches. This week the children have had
lots of opportunities to listen to a variety of speeches, including that of
Martin Luther King Jr, and even perform some for themselves. We have been very
impressed by the children’s confidence and ability to engage their audience. We
look forward to sharing some of these with you in our class assembly.
In topic, the
children have made great starts on their Anderson shelters. Thank you for all
your help gathering bits and bobs. Construction will continue next week, when
we will finish painting and start adding final details to the gardens. Again,
we look forward to sharing these with you later in the year.
Just a small request - would you be able to ensure your children have an updated pencil case. Our Pritt Sticks reserves have now run out again so we would be very grateful if you could ensure your child has one in his/her pencil case. Thank you very much.
We hope you have a
safe and enjoyable time watching the fireworks at the weekend! We look forward
to seeing you for parent consultations on Monday.
Miss Clements and
Mrs Renier