Happy New Year!
It was great to see the children in such fine form this week - they have all made a great start to 2015! This week saw both classes finishing up their work on WW2, with lessons focusing on the end of the war, including the celebrations and the creation of the United Nations. In science, both classes completed their work on electrical circuits - considering how electricity flows around a circuit, how electricity can be used safely in the home and learning how to draw their own circuit diagrams.
Next week, we will begin our Harry Potter topic. The children should come to school tomorrow ready to be sorted into their Hogwarts houses! The children will remain in these Hogwarts houses throughout the term and any house points awarded this term will also count as points towards winning the Triwizard Cup (the winning house's treat is yet to be decided). This week's Hogwarts activities will involve getting to know the characters from the books/films and undertaking some 'magical' (scientific) investigations involving mixing and separating materials.
We look forward to seeing the children in school tomorrow.
The Year 6 team.