The quest stories have finally been completed and how amazing they are!
As a finale to the main topic work on Harry Potter the children will be experiencing a day of Junior Apprentice. Whilst no one will be fired, the children will be expected to work together to generate a board game linked to our topic. In order for this to go ahead successfully we will need a few things from your recycling!
Bottle tops, cardboard, small, empty plastic bottles or other appropriate containers, ribbon, string, fancy paper and anything else that you think might be useful in the manufacturing process.
At the end of the project the children will be swapping classrooms to apprasie each other's games.
The house who gains the most points for their game and the way that they have developed their ideas will be crowned Junior Apprentice Champions.
Whilst all this is going on the majority of the children will also be perfoming in the annual gym display. Having had sneaky previews we know that all of you who have requested tickets are going to be amazed by the gymnastic prowess of your children.
Thank you again for your ongoing support in all school matters.
The Year 6 team.