Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Literacy Homework: Wednesday 6th, Friday 8th , Wednesday 13th and Friday 15th

The children have been starting their quest stories this week in literacy. These are written in groups. To put all the chapters back together, we need the children to type these up. This term, the Year 6 team is also heavily focussing on the use of editing and re-drafting skills, showing the children how to improve their writing skills, ready for secondary school.

Therefore, the children’s homework for the next weeks is to edit, improve and type up their quest stories.

In order for the group stories to be effectively collated back together, each chapter needs to be:

·         Typed up each on a separate sheet

·         Font size 12

·         Font style: Comic Sans

·         Top Right Hand corner header:

o   Number of chapter (Chapter 1)

o   Title of chapter

o   Name of child

The children must follow these instructions otherwise it will be very difficult for the Year 6 team to put their stories back together.

Thank you very much for your co-operation.
The Year 6 Team