We recently gave the children new passwords for the school's learning platform, DBPrimary. They have been asked to check that they can access the learning platform from home as we plan to do some of our ICT work based around the learning platform and we will also be trying to get the children used to the secondary style of homework where they are not given paper copies but have to access the activity on line. Another part of their preparation for the years ahead. We realise that not all children have access to this at home and will obviously continue to provide paper copies where needed.
With half term already looming we would ask that if your child is still unsure of their times tables that you encourage them to spend some time every day improving their knowledge of the tables of which they are unsure. A sound knowledge of times tables really does support their learning of other mathematical concepts e.g. division and fractions. If a computer is an incentive to learning then there are plenty of useful websites for practice, have a look on the Woodlands Junior School website and follow some of their links.
The week of the 15th October is assessment week in school and as the children will be working really hard in the mornings we plan to give them a slightly easier time of it in the afternoons. They will be designing and building Anderson Shelters as part of their World War II topic. For this to happen we would ask that you begin to collect old cereal packets, corrugated card, aluminium foil and small boxes that might be useful in the construction of these. Please bring them in to school on Friday 12th October.
The year 6 team