Friday, 19 October 2012

Give your children a pat on the back!

Our year 6 children have, this week, worked their socks off. Assessment week is always a tough week and the children maintained their focus right to the end. Staff are now getting to grips with all the marking and we will be feeding back on the progress of your children during the parent consultations after half term. Needless to say, from what we have seen so far we are suitably impressed and your children can be congratulated.

For relaxation, in the afternoons, the children have been hard at work on the most amazing Anderson shelters and victory gardens. Some of the gardens even have grass and seeds growing in them- such imagination!

Hopefully we will post some pictures of their finished master pieces next week when they are dry enough to be moved and photographed- watch this space.

Next week the time table returns to normal with a poetry literacy unit to take us up to half term.

Here's wishing all the children a relaxing weekend, lets hope the rain stops at some point, and again congratulations on all the hard work this week.

The year 6 team.