The weeks are flying by and the children are all making great inroads into this half terms work. The latest part of our Harry Potter topic is the second of the Tri Wizard challenges; the children are working within house groups to write quest stories. Each child will write five chapters of an adventure with choices and then the stories will be combined so that every quest has an original first chapter followed by four choices of each of the next four chapters. We look forward to sharing the end results.
Homework has been set on Sam Learning this week and with assessment week fast approaching children have been told to explore areas where they feel they need additional practice, particularly in maths. This revision should be over and above any other homework set. Anyone without access to Sam Learning at home can use a school laptop during a break time- they just need to ask and of course we are on hand to help if they get stuck or should I say challenged!
As we have recently experienced some wet weather forcing the children inside at playtimes we are asking as a school whether there are any unwanted board games out there that could find a new home in our wet play cupboards. Please speak to your class teachers if you have any such items.
Next week we begin preparing for our assembly- the final one for our year 6! We hope to amaze you with the children's expertise on all things Hogwarts. Mark the date on your calendars- Thursday 9th February at 9:10 a.m., we look forward to seeing you there.
Wishing you all a good week end.
The year 6 team