Dear Parents,
Another week has flown by with more Harry Potter fun, especially in literacy where the children have been watching lots of Harry Potter clips, learning about the use of flashbacks in short stories.
Below is an explanatory of the Friday homework. This has been given to the children in written form, explained to them and will also be published on the learnig platform.
Many thanks for your cooperation and have a brilliant weekend!
The Year 6 team
Your Friday homework for this term: Due in on every Monday.
From now on, you will be compiling your very own Daily Prophet. Each week and only once a week, you will need to watch BBC Newsround. Whilst you watch it, you will need to choose one news story about an important happening and take notes. With these notes, you will then need to write a paragraph about this news report/article as well as provide a picture or an illustration to go with your summary. Each of these pieces of work will be kept at school and eventually be made into a newspaper, which will be called “My Daily Prophet”. The cover for this newspaper will be made and laminated at school, so the only pieces of work you have to do at home are the summary and reviews of the actual news articles. If you can’t watch BBC Newsround, then you can choose an article in a newspaper or online. You will need to keep your reports varied (not all about football!) so that you can learn about what is happening all around the UK and, indeed, the world.
Your page must include:
• A title for the newspaper article (if found in a newspaper, you can even cut it out and glue it at the top of your page)
• A summary of the article
• Answers to the 5Ws (What? Why? Who? Where? When?)
• An illustration (either drawn or a printed picture)
• Your work can be typed but it must be written in your own words
• If not typed, your work must be handwritten on blank A4 in ink. If you need to, use pencil lines to make your writing straight.
Finally, a kind reminder regarding standards of presentation. We expect you to take pride in your work and ensure that your homework fulfils the points above. Thank you.