Thursday, 26 January 2012

The weeks are flying by and the children are all making great inroads into this half terms work. The latest part of our Harry Potter topic is the second of the Tri Wizard challenges; the children are working within house groups to write quest stories. Each child will write five chapters of an adventure with choices and then the stories will be combined so that every quest has an original first chapter followed by four choices of each of the next four chapters. We look forward to sharing the end results.
Homework has been set on Sam Learning this week and with assessment week fast approaching children have been told to explore areas where they feel they need additional practice, particularly in maths. This revision should be over and above any other homework set. Anyone without access to Sam Learning at home can use a school laptop during a break time- they just need to ask and of course we are on hand to help if they get stuck or should I say challenged! 
As we have recently experienced some wet weather forcing the children inside at playtimes we are asking as a school whether there are any unwanted board games out there that could find a new home in our wet play cupboards. Please speak to your class teachers if you have any such items.
Next week we begin preparing for our assembly- the final one for our year 6! We hope to amaze you with the children's expertise on all things Hogwarts. Mark the date on your calendars- Thursday 9th February at 9:10 a.m., we look forward to seeing you there.
Wishing you all a good week end.
The year 6 team

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Chess Club

Chess Club

Miss Thomas and I were very pleased and excited about the  number of children interested in chess club  We had a whopping 48 children ask to take part.  Fantastic!  Whilst I am sorting out a rota for all year groups; building towards choosing a chess squad, you might be interested to check out the following website:

This website is fantastic for any level player of chess!  It gives you online tutorials and even has a section for parents and coaches (I'll be sure to check this part out!)

Just please remember our esafety rules: zip it, block it, flag it!

I hope you find this website fun and I look forward to seeing you at Chess Club Soon.

Miss Wilson

Friday, 13 January 2012

Friday Homework this term

Dear Parents,

Another week has flown by with more Harry Potter fun, especially in literacy where the children have been watching lots of Harry Potter clips, learning about the use of flashbacks in short stories.

Below is an explanatory of the Friday homework. This has been given to the children in written form, explained to them and will also be published on the learnig platform.

Many thanks for your cooperation and have a brilliant weekend!

The Year 6 team


Your Friday homework for this term: Due in on every Monday.

From now on, you will be compiling your very own Daily Prophet. Each week and only once a week, you will need to watch BBC Newsround. Whilst you watch it, you will need to choose one news story about an important happening and take notes. With these notes, you will then need to write a paragraph about this news report/article as well as provide a picture or an illustration to go with your summary. Each of these pieces of work will be kept at school and eventually be made into a newspaper, which will be called “My Daily Prophet”. The cover for this newspaper will be made and laminated at school, so the only pieces of work you have to do at home are the summary and reviews of the actual news articles. If you can’t watch BBC Newsround, then you can choose an article in a newspaper or online. You will need to keep your reports varied (not all about football!) so that you can learn about what is happening all around the UK and, indeed, the world.

Your page must include:
• A title for the newspaper article (if found in a newspaper, you can even cut it out and glue it at the top of your page)
• A summary of the article
• Answers to the 5Ws (What? Why? Who? Where? When?)
• An illustration (either drawn or a printed picture)
• Your work can be typed but it must be written in your own words
• If not typed, your work must be handwritten on blank A4 in ink. If you need to, use pencil lines to make your writing straight.

Finally, a kind reminder regarding standards of presentation. We expect you to take pride in your work and ensure that your homework fulfils the points above. Thank you.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Your homework

Your homework tonight is science based. You will need to access the BBC website at the address given below. Copy and paste it into your browser to find the right page.
It is all about changes of state between solid, liquid and gas, the science that we have done this week in school.
Once you have read the information and played the game then have a go at the quiz. Check your answers and then print out you sheet to bring into school as the evidence that you have done your homework.

There is a second challenge activity to go on to if you have time, the address is below. Again, reads the information and play the game and then have a go at the quiz. It’s a bit more challenging than the first activity so don’t worry if it takes you a while or you can’t complete it totally.

It’s all good revision.

Friday, 6 January 2012

As promised!

Dear Year 6 and parents,

What a wonderful first few days back! As promised, here are some photos of the children and their day at Hogwarts, as well as some great demonstration of slime making!

Wednesday, the children were welcomed back and whisked into the hall for the sorting ceremony. Now each child belongs to a Hogwart House and accruing points towards an overall house cup!

Throughout the term the children will be taking part in group challenges otherwise known as Triwizard Tasks. They had their first group task on Wednesday. In Elm, Slytherin won with their co-operative group work skills and in Elder, Hufflepuff won the task through sheer team determination!

On Thursday, a Science specialist from St George came to teach the children about reversible and irreversible changes by making slime! Hope the children's efforts did not make their way in bizarre places (sibblings' beds etc)...

Hopefully Year 6 is now ready to start and work hard through another term, preparing themselves for their SATs. Please note that we are starting to invite the children to do revision at home should they need to. For example, after a mini-assessment this week, a few children realised that their long multiplication skills weren't up to scratch. They are of course given plenty of opportunities to consolidate basic skills in class but they will also need to take responsibility for their progress and do additional revision on Sam Learning if necessary. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

This week's spellings are (in case children are absent):

Many thanks and have a great weekend.

The Year 6 Team.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Welcome to Hogwarts!!!

What a brilliant 1st day to our spring term! We've all had so much fun making potions, erupting volcanoes and making colours disappear... all details and pictures will be published Friday on this blog.

Until then, below is the homework the children have been set, due on Monday. It has also been set on The Learning Platform, in case you are looking at both websites!

Another kind reminder on pencil cases... we would really appreciate it if they could be filled and "up-dated" as we have limited resources. A few children asked for pens and pencils today. Many thanks for you understanding and cooperation.

The Year 6 Team.


For the children's information:

Your homework today is to write a letter home (addressed to your parents) about your first day at Hogwarts. Your letter should include details of:

- what you did today

- what you enjoyed

- what you learnt

- how you are looking forward to the rest of the topic

You have until Monday morning for this task as we will expect you to handwrite this letter on parchment-like paper (tea-stained paper or greaseproof paper).

You will need to think carefully about:

- paragraphing

- using the right letter format

- using high level vocabulary

- take care with your punctuation throughout

Good luck!