Thursday, 17 November 2011

Our forthcoming Assembly!

We are approaching the end of our topic and with that the children’s penultimate assembly at Crabtree Junior School.

They have all been working really hard this week with a literacy focus on personification- they have done some amazing descriptive work which will be on display in our classrooms.

We wanted to let you know what the format of our assembly will be. Once the assembly is finished we would like to invite all the parents back to the classrooms with the children where we will have a mini VE Day Party. There will be some war time recipes to sample that the children will be cooking in our school kitchen that week, 1940’s music and you will have the opportunity to look at the children’s topic books and displays around the rooms.

Any war time food contributions to add to the ones that the children will be making will be very welcome.

Feel free to come dressed in 1940’s style and really get into the mood of our celebration.

As we begin to rehearse our assembly, the children will be considering the outfits that they need to wear, many of them will be asking to resurrect their outfits from our evacuation to Hendon.

In our science work we have come to the end of our topic on forces and we will shortly be looking to begin our work on electricity. Lets hope that by Christmas the children will be capable of lighting up the festive season by constructing their own circuits!

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our assembly on Thursday 1st December.

Enjoy your weekend.

The Year 6 Team