During this half term we will be completing our topic on World War II with a fantastic finish in the form of our year group assembly to be held on Thursday 1st December. We hope to follow our assembly up with a victory tea party including ration time snacks. It would be great if you could resurrect your 40’s costumes for this event. Parents too, feel free to dress in 1940’s style to come to our assembly!
On to a more important point; today’s homework.
As you are aware we have had some recent problems with accessing the Sam Learning site so whilst these issues are being resolved we have set you a science activity on the BBC Bitesize website which has recently been updated.
Our recent assessments indicated that this science area is a weak one. As we do not cover this topic during year 6 we want to encourage the children to revise it in as many different ways as possible.
If you use the above link and then go into the ‘Plant’ section to experiment with growing conditions and the plant life cycle section to explore how plants grow and reproduce.
Once you have completed the activities then go to the quiz. Complete and check your answers and then please print out the quiz sheets to bring into school as the evidence that you have completed your homework. This homework is due in on Friday.
Have fun!
PS As promised, here are some photos of the children making their Anderson shelters...