Monday, 28 November 2011

Homework, reminders and update!

Hello everyone,

It is finally starting to feel like November with the freezing temperatures hitting our windscreens this morning! Won't feel odd buying a Christmas tree in the next couple of weeks!

Until then, Year 6 still has lots to get through, enjoy and achieve! Don't forget that this Thursday is our Year Group assembly. If you can, it would be lovely if you could join the rest of the Year in a short VE Day party which will take place in the classrooms after assembly. This will last 20-30 mins, enough time for you to have a look at what the children have been up to for the last term, eat some War time cakes and enjoy WW2 music? The children will be dressed up, so if you can, come along dressed up too!

In the last couple of weeks, the children have been working very hard as usual, particularly in literacy where they are been writing powerful poems on th Blitz as well as reading and drafting newspaper reports on the events of the WW2 period.They will be cooking in the next few days, producing some cakes using authentic WW2 recipes...

Below are the spellings for this week. Your homework is to use the following words in sentences (one sentence for each word), or to write a sensible but imaginative paragraph including the words. Don't forget the use of VCOP! Try and stretch yourself by using higher level vocabulary and accurate speech punctuation!


Elm - please carry out the work in your spelling books.

Another kind reminder regarding pencil cases: lots of children have been asking for pens and pencils. Could you please ensure your child has a replenished pencil case as we have limited resources.

Thank you and see you on Thursday,

The Year 6 team

Friday, 18 November 2011

Maths Homework for Monday

Apologies to both children and parents. This is a message for Elm children. Your Maths homework is on Sam Learning. The children who can not access Sam learning at home have been given paper copies.

Many thanks and have a great weekend.

Miss Renier

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Our forthcoming Assembly!

We are approaching the end of our topic and with that the children’s penultimate assembly at Crabtree Junior School.

They have all been working really hard this week with a literacy focus on personification- they have done some amazing descriptive work which will be on display in our classrooms.

We wanted to let you know what the format of our assembly will be. Once the assembly is finished we would like to invite all the parents back to the classrooms with the children where we will have a mini VE Day Party. There will be some war time recipes to sample that the children will be cooking in our school kitchen that week, 1940’s music and you will have the opportunity to look at the children’s topic books and displays around the rooms.

Any war time food contributions to add to the ones that the children will be making will be very welcome.

Feel free to come dressed in 1940’s style and really get into the mood of our celebration.

As we begin to rehearse our assembly, the children will be considering the outfits that they need to wear, many of them will be asking to resurrect their outfits from our evacuation to Hendon.

In our science work we have come to the end of our topic on forces and we will shortly be looking to begin our work on electricity. Lets hope that by Christmas the children will be capable of lighting up the festive season by constructing their own circuits!

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our assembly on Thursday 1st December.

Enjoy your weekend.

The Year 6 Team

Monday, 14 November 2011

Homework due in on 16th November

Your homework tonight:

On Thursday you will be writing a poem in Big Writing.
It will be about the idea of the Blitz and the bombing of Britain. Take the idea of fire and the devastation and make a collection of ideas that you could include in your poem. Think particularly about ideas for personification.
e.g. The fire devoured everything in its path.
The flames roared upwards pointing skywards with flickering fingers.
Create a mind map, a spidergram a list of ideas or any plan that helps you!

Use your senses to help you with your ideas.

We will update you with some real Year 6 news later in the week.

The Year 6 Team.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Homework due in on 9th November

This week’s homework for literacy is to decide upon a topic that you can write your speech about later in the week. You need to chat with an adult to help you consider your ideas and whether you have enough arguments or points to put forward for your speech. Make sure the topic you choose is appropriate or you will be asked to change it on Wednesday.

In your home work book you need to record the topic you have chosen and 4 or 5 bullet points of ideas that you can develop further in school when you do your plan on Wednesday- we are NOT asking you to plan your speech at home.
You could add some persuasive phrases or really emotive words or maybe come up with a rhetorical question.

We look forward to some emotive and persuasive topics.

The Year 6 Team

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Autumn has definitely started...

Welcome back to the second half of our autumn term. We hope that you all spent a restful holiday and are full of energy and enthusiasm for the challenges we have planned to take us up to Christmas.

During this half term we will be completing our topic on World War II with a fantastic finish in the form of our year group assembly to be held on Thursday 1st December. We hope to follow our assembly up with a victory tea party including ration time snacks. It would be great if you could resurrect your 40’s costumes for this event. Parents too, feel free to dress in 1940’s style to come to our assembly!

On to a more important point; today’s homework.

As you are aware we have had some recent problems with accessing the Sam Learning site so whilst these issues are being resolved we have set you a science activity on the BBC Bitesize website which has recently been updated.
Our recent assessments indicated that this science area is a weak one. As we do not cover this topic during year 6 we want to encourage the children to revise it in as many different ways as possible.

If you use the above link and then go into the ‘Plant’ section to experiment with growing conditions and the plant life cycle section to explore how plants grow and reproduce.
Once you have completed the activities then go to the quiz. Complete and check your answers and then please print out the quiz sheets to bring into school as the evidence that you have completed your homework. This homework is due in on Friday.
Have fun!

PS As promised, here are some photos of the children making their Anderson shelters...