What an amazing, busy and exciting week!
We have had History off the Page on Tuesday and what an amazing experience it was. From being in a 1940s classroom and comparing how different it is to today to walking around a whole man-made town in our hall and paying in shillings, farthings and pence for real food and different products. What an experience.
Yesterday, we had a brilliant Mad Science assembly where we learnt all about preserving our water. Did you know that if you turn the tap off when you brush your teeth you can save a whopping 9 litres each brush?
Speaking of science, we were fortunate enough to have Mrs West from SJL come in to Elm Class to do a brilliantly engaging science investigation with tables and graphs and the children absolutely loved the experience.
Well done to Mrs Carter's English group for their speeches to their parents and friends this morning, a lovely experience they'll remember for a long time.
Don't forget next week Elm need to bring in their resources for their Anderson Shelters by Friday 14th please.
Enjoy your weekends,
Mrs Bath and the Year 6 Team :-)