Friday, 5 October 2018

Eager start to Year 6!

Thank you to all the parents who came to the 'Meet the Teacher' evening a few weeks back. I hope you found it informative and feel prepared to support your child on their final year in primary school. It's a very busy but also very enjoyable 11 months. If you didn't manage to come along, hopefully you have had a chance to look through the slides and read the attached information sent out via the office.

I can't believe we are already 5 weeks into term but we are all extremely impressed with the amount of effort the children are putting into their learning, both at school and at home!! Well done Year 6!! :-) Please continue to support them with their homework at home by checking and editing it together and supporting them to correct if needed, or putting a post it note in their work to alert the teacher to any difficulties.

Should you wish to support them more at home we would suggest using the SATs Buster Books which you can easily buy from Amazon:
Plus reading with, and to, them is still invaluable. We will follow up with some book ideas to give you an idea of the level of reading and comprehension the children are expected to have.

Elm are currently getting ready for their class assembly next week and starting us off with the new lower key sharing of what we have been learning at school. Hopefully lots of you are able to come along and share this with us.

In maths the children have been practising their understanding of place value and what each digit in a number represents and then moving on to column addition and subtraction. The groups are working well and the children seem very engaged with their work.

In English we have each started a unit of work and are working with the children to improve handwriting, grammar and punctuation, as well as the use of figurative language and senses to engage the reader in what we are writing. 

The children have been really enjoying their topic lessons about WW2 and have created some wonderful art to depict London during the blitz (photos below), as well as looking at rationing and what life would have been like for children then.