Thursday, 22 March 2018

Crucial Crew

We had a very informative and thought-provoking afternoon yesterday at Crucial Crew with issues that we will be discussing in class over the next few months. If you would like to talk to your child any more about what they learnt about, the following pit-stops were discussed:

1) Anti-social behaviour - having an awareness of how you can come across to the public if you are being loud, wearing hoodies and hanging around in parks or on corners late at night. Also, knowing places you can go to if you feel scared or intimidated by older children who are doing those things (go to a supermarket or shop, home or a public place and tell an adult you feel unsafe).

2) RNLI - how to be safe in the water.

3) Road safety - don't text and cross roads.

4) Samaritans - who to call/text when you feel like you can't talk to anyone you know.

5) Rail safety - don't cross lines or throw rubbish onto them as they are electrical

6) Billy Dove's Wish - a young boy who died when he got mixed up with a bad group of boys so Billy's wish is to help others stay safe by remembering to tell adults if problems feel too big, not get involved in violent behaviour and support my friends and help them to not get into any problems too. 

7) Cyber-bullying - how to spot cyber-bullying, what it is and how to not become and cyberbully/be a victim of it alone. 

8) First-Aid training - how to put people into the recovery position.

9) Alcohol awareness - it can have many negative side effects if you're not responsible. 

10) Fire safety/hazards in the house - don't leave hairdryers on beds, don't leave phones charging on pillows etc.