Wow - what a show last night! The children simply blew us away with the enthusiasm, professionalism and sheer joy that they brought to their performance. Well done to everyone. Our final day was a day of assemblies with many goodbyes being said - to children and staff alike. We have all been seen with a tear in our eyes over the last few days.
All that remains for us to say is that we have absolutely loved teaching your children this year - they are an amazing group of talented young people who have been an absolute pleasure to know. We wish them all the very best as they move onto pastures new and hope that they will stay in touch with an occasional visit or simply a wave on the high street!
Finally, we have also been amazed by all of the lovely gifts that we have received over the last few days. We have been trying to say thank you to the children as the presents have been handed over but we also wanted to say a BIG thank you here. Your generosity has overwhelmed us but thank you so very much.
Have a lovely summer break.
Miss Clements, Mrs Morris, Mrs Carter and Mrs Wellham