Friday, 23 June 2017

Theme parks, evolution and more!

Since our return from the Isle of Wight, the children have been learning about the features of effective leaflets in preparation for writing their own next week. Keep an eye out for these on open evening!

In maths, the children have been working in pairs to design and work out the cost of a theme park. They are beginning to look at marketing budgets and prepare advertisements and the project should be completed next week. We certainly have some budding entrepreneurs in year 6!

In science, we have been finishing off our unit on evolution and inheritance. The children have produced some wonderful homework related to Darwin’s voyage on the Beagle and many examples are now displayed in the classroom.

Next week, we will be designing and making bean bag frogs as part of our rainforest topic. Thank you to those parents who have agreed to come in and help- there will be lots of needles to thread!

If you would like to support your child at home:

We will be beginning transition lessons in the next couple of weeks. It may be a good idea to talk to your child about how they are feeling about secondary school so that if they have any worries, these can be discussed in school. We have a worry box in each class where the children can let us know about concerns or write any questions they may have.