Sunday, 10 July 2016

2 weeks to go!

Hi all!

It really is bizarre to think there are only two weeks left to go before the end of term.

It is fair to say that both Miss Clements and I have been incredibly impressed with Year 6's behaviour this term. Generally, post "SATs behaviour" can emerge in early July but this year, the children have shown nothing but respect and politeness to all adults and each other as they did throughout the year. We are indeed a very proud Year 6 team.

Just a little heads up that this week will be quite an intensive Leavers Assembly rehearsal week. We now need to have all musicians bring their instruments and their music. We also need all the children to bring their Leavers hoodies; although it has been made clear to them they can only wear their hoodies during our rehearsals. Finally, we will need our gymnasts to also bring matching coloured tops.

We have been in touch with other schools and hope to be able to have a mini Cricket tournament in the next couple of weeks. We are trying our very best to make it work despite our diary being so full. So keep fingers cross - cricketers may well have their chances to shine either off or on school ground!

We also hope that all the reports found you. Both myself and Miss Clements genuinely enjoyed writing our reports as we were finally given the opportunity to praise all the Year 6s for all their hard work this year. You would have also received the children's SATs results. A few parents have made some queries with regards to the numbers you were given. We would like to confirm that the range is 80-120. 100 being the expected standard for end of KS2. As you can see, the children have done very well indeed. Whatever their results, we made it very clear that it was their sheer determination and work ethic prior and during SATs week that made us so proud of them.

Enough rambling on from Mrs Renier! We wish you all a lovely end of weekend and see you next Thursday at Open Evening.

The Year 6 team.