Hello all!
What a few weeks it has been! We came back after the Easter holidays with even more determination to tackle SATs week head on. And it is fair to say that every single Year 6 child wowed us. The sheer work ethic and willingness to do their best was quite impressive. We all managed to celebrate on the Friday with a picnic in the front garden and a lovely ice-cream (despite the icy winds and glacial rain!).
Since then, the children have carried on working hard on their writing building up their end of year portfolios. Our Maths sessions have also been a success. We are now back as class for Maths and for the last week or so the children have been designing their own Theme Park with a specific budget given to them. We have been quite impressed with their business acumen! Anyone out there with a spare 1/2 a million? Some of our Year 6s are guaranteeing a healthy return (at least 8%) on your investment... :-D
These last few days, the children have also been preparing for their Isle of Wight trip: we have had our "hygiene talk", and we have ordered our first meal so it is all becoming more and more real. What a lovely couple of weeks ahead of us: half term, then a week away, hopefully in the sun...
After half term, a few things will change with regards to homework. We will not be requesting the children to fill out their reading records anymore and we will be making more use of their planners to get the children ready for September. Maths homework will also focus more on investigative skills, and English homework may sometimes be replaced with Topic or Science homework.
Until then, we wish you all a great half term and we look forward to seeing the children raring to go on the first Monday back.
The Year 6 team.