Sunday, 14 December 2014

Merry Christmas

As we begin the final week of the term we have to say how proud we were of year 6 last week.
With very limited rehearsal time the children performed magnificently on all occasions to share their version of 'Let's Do A Nativity'.

Despite illness, every character was word perfect and the singing was amazing- we always knew how talented our Crabtree children were, but last week they really got a chance to prove it. Big thanks go to Beth for stepping in to Tom's role in his absence; we're glad to say he is now back at school with us.

Moving into the final days there is still lots to do. Wednesday is not only the school Christmas dinner, but also the year 6 Christmas party. Children are encouraged to bring some suitable party clothes to change into on the day. Remember Christmas dinner day is also Christmas hat day- so plan your designs in advance!

Please ensure that your child brings home all their PE kit after their lesson on Thursday so it can have a good wash and airing over the holidays. When they return in the new term they will definitely need warm clothing for PE including hats and gloves.

In case we don't get the chance to say it in person we would like to take this opportunity, all be it a little prematurely, to wish you all a very happy holiday. Enjoy Christmas and we look forward to seeing everyone in the new year.
The Year 6 Team