Welcome back to the new half term.
It was great to see so many wonderful examples of 'Make Do and Mend' today when the children brought their highly creative homework in to school. This afternoon we were able to spend some time sharing what each child had achieved and photographing their work so it can be added to their topic books. Photos of class displays will appear on the blog once Elm's display is completed so that you can also see the amazing ideas that the children came up with.
Throwing year 6 straight back into their work we began a unit on persuasive speeches in two of the English sets today, whilst others will be writing persuasive letters- we hope to be able to share some of these with you in our year group assembly next week.
Just to clarify on the subject of our assembly- the children will need the costumes that they wore to Hendon earlier this term and they will be sharing their assembly with the rest of the school on Thursday morning prior to delivering a polished performance (hopefully) to all the parents on Friday 14th November to start at about 9:05 a. m. we look forward to seeing many of you there.
Although we will be working hard on our assembly over the next week or so we will still be keeping on top of our other work. This week the children will be planning their Victory gardens and Anderson shelters so any useful 'junk' in the form of boxes, cardboard bases, corrugated card and materials to deck out the inside of the shelters or 'plant' the gardens will be welcome in school after Wednesday of this week once the children have thought about their ideas.
Finally, as we begin to encounter colder weather can we remind both parents and children that they should have suitable warm clothing for outdoor play times and PE sessions.
The year 6 team