Friday, 21 November 2014

Another busy week in year 6!

We started the week with a visit from three representatives from Show Racism the Red Card.  The children took part in a range of activities designed to raise awareness of differences in our communities and racism within the UK.  The children had the following comments about their day:


Firstly we went into the hall to watch a video about what racism is, how if affects people and why it happens.  (Oran)

Next, we had a PE session with former footballer Luther Blisset.  It was really exciting because he is a Watford legend and I am a Watford fan!  (Alfie M)

We designed people and we had to draw and label symbols of what a good friend would have.  (Lucy D)

Finally, we had a workshop on judging people.  Manisha asked us questions and we would hold up a face that we thought was the right answer.  We almost got all of them wrong because we judged by the colour of their skin. (Izzy)

We had a great day overall and I leant that you should not judge someone by the way they look or the colour of their skin.  (Charli P)


First we watched a short video clip about 'Show Racism the Red Card'.  We were amazed at how many people had suffered from racism. (Charlie C)

We rushed into a session with Luther and we played some immensely fun games in teams and then a competition. (Lucas C)

We played a game about trying to work out what we could tell about someone by the colour of a person's skin.  As a result of getting 98% of the questions wrong we realised that the colour of a person's skin doesn't tell us a lot about the person's life.  (Georgia)

We learnt how to explain a person's colour of skin without offending them.  (Fay)

All in all the day was great and we learnt lots about racism.  (Harry)

On Wednesday year 6 had a visit from Springboard East.  The children enjoyed some drama activities and a workshop focusing on the history of democracy in Britain.  They produced some fantastic posters for the suffragette movement.

In literacy each group has been continuing with persuasive writing this week.  Most groups will finish this work next week and move onto writing some poetry involving powerful imagery.

In topic work the children have been working hard on their Anderson Shelters.  As a result of this we have had to send home the lovely 'make do and mend' items that the children made over half term.  We have very much enjoyed having these items in the classrooms and attach some photos of the wonderful displays below.

On Thursday a team of children attended the Year 6 Maths Challenge at Aldwickbury School and did very well indeed - watch this space for the full results!

In short, its been a busy but extremely enjoyable week in school.  We hope you have a lovely and restful weekend.

The Year 6 team.



Saturday, 15 November 2014

What an amazing assembly!

We were so proud of the children this morning as they performed beautifully in our first assembly of the year.  It was wonderful to see the children working so well together as a team to celebrate all of the wonderful learning that they have completed so far this year.

Well done everyone.  We will let the pictures speak for themselves!

Looking forward into next week, we have another busy week.  Its anti-bullying week in the UK and at Crabtree we are kicking off the week with a whole school day focusing on the theme of 'Show Racism the Red Card' on Monday.  Year 6 will also spend Wednesday morning looking at the history of democracy in Britain - the children will take part in two extremely engaging workshops led by two actors who present their material in very interesting ways!  We hope to squeeze in some work too!

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 team

Friday, 7 November 2014

Another great week in year 6!

Our first rehearsal for our year group assembly went very well this morning - the children have made a great start.  Rehearsals will continue early next week and it would be great if the children could come into school on Monday knowing their part! 

This afternoon the children enjoyed a visit from Mr Kennedy (a STEM ambassador) and learnt a lot about the history of man's understanding of movement and the Bloodhound Project - a scientific quest to create a new World Land Speed Record of 1000mph.  If you are interested in reading more about this ambitious and exciting project go to:.

We are looking forward to seeing lots of you at the Fireworks and Bonfire Night tomorrow.  The year 6 team will be working on the stalls - so do come and say hello.

The year 6 team.

Monday, 3 November 2014

French Homework for the weekend. 

Due in on Monday ready for French on Tuesday:

Your homework this next weekend is to create a cover for your French book using the computer.
You can either print this out at home or save it to the learning platform and then print it out in school.
There are some words that you must include in your cover and they appear below.
You will need to search, using Google or such, Second World War posters in French, type in:

2ème Guerre Mondiale Posters en français

- some examples are on the sheet you were given in school.

In order to get the letters with the accents you need to insert symbol and select appropriately.

Make sure that you save your cover, either at home or to the learning platform so that if you need a new book you will be able to print out a new copy.

Wording for your front cover should include:

2014- 2015

Cours Moyen Deuxième Année 

Madame Baikie

Then add your name and any relevant picture from the above web site.
Welcome back to the new half term.

It was great to see so many wonderful examples of 'Make Do and Mend' today when the children brought their highly creative homework in to school. This afternoon we were able to spend some time sharing what each child had achieved and photographing their work so it can be added to their topic books. Photos of class displays will appear on the blog once Elm's display is completed so that you can also see the amazing ideas that the children came up with.

Throwing year 6 straight back into their work we began a unit on persuasive speeches in two of the English sets today, whilst others will be writing persuasive letters- we hope to be able to share some of these with you in our year group assembly next week.

Just to clarify on the subject of our assembly- the children will need the costumes that they wore to Hendon earlier this term and they will be sharing their assembly with the rest of the school on Thursday morning prior to delivering a polished performance (hopefully) to all the parents on Friday 14th November to start at about 9:05 a. m. we look forward to seeing many of you there.

Although we will be working hard on our assembly over the next week or so we will still be keeping on top of our other work. This week the children will be planning their Victory gardens and Anderson shelters so any useful 'junk' in the form of boxes, cardboard bases, corrugated card and materials to deck out the inside of the shelters or 'plant' the gardens will be welcome in school after Wednesday of this week once the children have thought about their ideas.

Finally, as we begin to encounter colder weather can we remind both parents and children that they should have suitable warm clothing for outdoor play times and PE sessions.

The year 6 team