Thursday, 19 June 2014

Multicultural Week

Having spent a quiet weekend recovering from their Isle of Wight adventures the children were thrown in to a week of discovering what life in Brazil is like this week. Yes, there is more to Brazil than football!

We began the week by considering some of the geography connected with Brazil, including which continent it is found within and, linking very smoothly with the new topic in year 6 of rainforests and deserts, all about the Amazonian rainforest.
Throughout the week we have made masks and head dresses for our Crabtree Carnival on Friday afternoon. We have been lucky enough to have music and dance workshops where the children have experienced samba dancing and drumming alongside other traditional Brazilian instruments.

Liz Sargent and her colleague came in to work with both classes on some pieces of art, based on the theme of Matisse. The children used cut outs to create their own carnival linked pictures where they endeavoured to capture the essence of carnival through shape and colour. These will be available for you to view later in the term.

We will end our week with what has become the traditional Crabtree picnic on the field, weather allowing, and what we hope will be a spectacular Crabtree Carnival in the sunshine.
We look forward to seeing many of you there on Friday afternoon.

The Year 6 Team