Sunday, 11 May 2014

SATs week is now upon us

Good evening

We hope that you have all had a happy and restful weekend. 

You will have seen the timetable for the SATs tests in last week's blog.  In order to ensure that all tests can take place before lunch (and therefore enable all children to relax in the afternoons) we will need to start our first test at 9.10am each morning.  This means that we will be particularly keen for the children to arrive in class promptly at 8.50am each day!  This will allow us sufficient time to ensure that everyone is settled and ready to begin on time.

We have been asked to remind parents that the children will be having their photograph taken for the yearbook on Friday afternoon.

Finally, don't forget to send in a white/pale t-shirt for your child to decorate this week.  If at all possible t-shirts should be in school tomorrow.

We look forward to seeing the children tomorrow morning.

The year 6 team.