Friday, 23 May 2014

A quick note

Just a short final blog of the half term.

Just to let any parents who were unable to make the meeting on Monday 19th May about school journey know that all the information was included in the e mail sent out to you earlier this week. I was going to put it on the blog, but it proved too long for one publication!

On the subject of homework- enjoy a free week! Having worked so hard towards and during the SATs week we decided it was only fair for year 6 to have bit of time off from homework- it will restart  after half term.

Have a happy half term.
The year 6 team

Friday, 16 May 2014

And finished!

What a week!

Tired, but elated year 6 relaxed in the hall to some very calming music and then descended on the front garden for their long awaited picnic.
Thankfully, the sun shone and everyone enjoyed eating al fresco with the added bonus of a slice of pizza courtesy of Crabtree, Mr Pattrick and Pizza Express!

Alongside the picnic, there was a game of charades in our outdoor theatre and a very purposeful group of parents took photos for the year book. A huge thanks to them for all their work in organising the end of year events and momentoes.

See below for some pictures of the day...





Thursday, 15 May 2014

One day to go...

Well it's the end of another day packed full of hard working year 6 children. Today saw the end of the maths papers- very fair papers across the board and the children, over the last two days, have really set to and given it their all.
Everyone was very relieved to get to lunch time today when those children who had sat the additional two level 6 papers after break this morning gave themselves a round of applause and had a level 6 treat!

Tomorrow brings the final round when science is the subject of the day. These last two papers are marked internally, but the children, I am sure will continue to give it their full attention.

After the science papers have been completed tomorrow we shall be having a short relaxation time when Mrs Wheeler, one of our amazing team of teaching assistants within the school, will be leading the session to help the children unwind- hopefully providing them with some techniques they can use in the future. The children have been told today to bring in a small cushion for this activity.
Following the relaxation everyone will be going out into the garden for what promises to be a sunny year 6 picnic- a calm and enjoyable end to a very busy week.

W are all immensely proud of how the children have risen to the challenge of this week and whatever the outcome, we are certain that the children have done their best.

Looking ahead to the weekend. Let's hope that the sunshine remains and that everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable time.

A very proud year 6 team!

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The second day is done!

Another day completed! 

Today the children completed the grammar, punctuation and spelling tests.  Once again, the children impressed everyone in the school with their conscientious approach to the tests and we are sure that they all performed to the very best of their ability.  

As you know we are completing some light-hearted activities in the afternoons this week.  We hope that this is helping the children to relax and that they are enjoying spending time with each other (and us).  We are certainly enjoying it!  This afternoon the children had PE and French.  Tomorrow afternoon we will begin designing our T-shirts for the Isle of Wight trip.

Take care

The year 6 team

Monday, 12 May 2014

One down!

Well, the first day of SATs is over and the children worked really hard. We felt that the reading test was a fair paper but, in its new format, quite challenging to complete to time.
We hope that the children all feel that they did their best .

We know that this week can be stressful, more so for some than others. Some ways in which you can help your child is by ensuring that they do not get over tired as the week progresses- early nights, a good breakfast before they come to school, a snack for break time even if they do not normally do so and a bottle of water in case they want a drink during any test.

We know that the children have all worked extremely hard throughout the year and they are all well and truly ready for whatever the rest of week's papers brings. It's now up to the children to do themselves proud and show off what they can do.
Good luck for the rest of the week!

Lastly, a reminder that Friday is our picnic lunch day. To celebrate the end of all their hard work the children will be having a picnic lunch in the front garden- weather permitting, and the forecast is set fair at the moment.

The Year 6 Team

Sunday, 11 May 2014

SATs week is now upon us

Good evening

We hope that you have all had a happy and restful weekend. 

You will have seen the timetable for the SATs tests in last week's blog.  In order to ensure that all tests can take place before lunch (and therefore enable all children to relax in the afternoons) we will need to start our first test at 9.10am each morning.  This means that we will be particularly keen for the children to arrive in class promptly at 8.50am each day!  This will allow us sufficient time to ensure that everyone is settled and ready to begin on time.

We have been asked to remind parents that the children will be having their photograph taken for the yearbook on Friday afternoon.

Finally, don't forget to send in a white/pale t-shirt for your child to decorate this week.  If at all possible t-shirts should be in school tomorrow.

We look forward to seeing the children tomorrow morning.

The year 6 team.    

Friday, 2 May 2014

Latest update

Another busy week with everyone working extremely hard.

As we move closer to the annual SATs week we would like to update you on the format for the weeks ahead.
Today the children should have brought home a letter detailing the time table for the week beginning the 12th May. We have tried to arrange the timetable so that all the children have completed their tests by lunch time each day in order for the afternoons to be more relaxed with some fun activities. As you can see from the time table there will be more PE sessions that week so children need to make sure that they have their kit in school every day.

Silent reading
Silent reading
Silent reading
Silent reading
Silent reading
Level 3-5 Reading Paper
Level 3-5 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test
Level 3-5 Maths Paper A
Level 3-5 Maths Paper B
Paper A
Level 6 reading Paper
Level 6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test
Mental Maths
Level 6 Maths Papers 1 and 2
Science Paper B
French/ PE
Reward Time

One of the art activities is creating their own T-shirt to wear on school journey and possibly in their leaving assembly at the end of the year.
These can be white or coloured, but do need to be pale in colour or the pens and fabric crayons won't show up. We would prefer them to have a short sleeve rather than a vest top so that if it is hot and sunny on our trip to the Isle Of Wight then shoulders are covered while we are ouside all day.
If there is a problem with providing a T-shirt then please speak to your child's class teacher. Children should bring the shirt they are going to use into school on Monday 12th May.

Along with the other letters that came home today is one about cycling proficiency. We do have to let the people who run this activity know definite numbers before half term so please ensure that replies are brought into school as soon as possible.

Children also brought home a letter about the trip to the Isle of Wight today. We will be talking to them about everything during school days, but please do come along to the talk on Monday 19th May, in Elder, when Mrs Doran will be talking all about the exciting activities planned.

Let's hope that the long weekend is a sunny one. See you all on Tuesday.

The year 6 team