Last week finished with many of year 6 participating in their last ever Eisteddfod- what an amazing group of talented children we have at Crabtree. If any parents were lucky enough to be able to watch their off spring I am sure that you will agree that it cetainly was a memorable sight.
If any children still have display items in school could you please prompt your children to collect them and take them home.
This week we have lots to look forward to starting tomorrow with the next round of the indoor athletics and, in the afternoon, the district netball ralley. We wish all of our competitors the very best of luck and look forward to hearing the outcomes of both events.
As the week progresses we will be working hard in school to prepare for our last ever year group assembly. We hope that many of you will be able to share the experience on Friday morning.
This week also sees year 6 facing their second round of assessments this term so we can check both on progress and any tweaking we need to cover before the main SATs tests next term. We do try to keep these as low key as possible and stress to the children that it is their opportunity to show us what they can do and how well they can do it! Please help us by ensuring children are in school on time each morning and, where at all possible, not going out for appointments in the morning.
Next week we hope to see many of you at our termly consultations- the times for these will be sent out shortly.
Looking forward to Friday and an entertaining assembly,
The Year 6 Team