Friday, 7 February 2014

The end of a long hard week of assessments; most are now finished with just one more level 6 paper to attack on Monday.
All the children have worked really hard throughout the week and their progress across the year so far is evident in their outcomes- all of which they are keen to know as soon as the papers have been marked!

As a little light relief both classes spent time this week creating short animations using pivot stick animator. Elder took this on to another stage when they were asked to create animations that conveyed a message. Some ingenious film clips were the outcome with a mix of written and visual messages created. These ranged from anti bullying to the name of our class to reaching for the stars in line with our recent PSHE unit, going for goals.

Moving into the last week of this half term, the timetable returns to normal and we look forward to seeing lots of children in non uniform next Friday, 14th February, in order to raise money for the Brittle Bone Society. this event follows a highly successful and informative presentation in assembly on Thursday by the house captain of Mars- well done Megan and helpers.

Enjoy your weekend and the last week of half term.

Year 6 team