Thursday, 27 February 2014

Over to you!

Some of year 6 have had a go at writing their own contributions for the blog telling you what they have been up to in school.

This one is by Ella Chambers, Elder

At the moment, in year 6 ,we have been doing quest stories in small groups of four .How it works is in our groups we all decided on our hero/heroine ,what we want our hero/heroine to go and find and why our hero has been chosen.

Firstly we choose our hero their name if they are a boy or girl strong and brave or wimpy and skinny. Then we had to think of what our hero/heroine needed to go and find; also why they need to find that thing or person. After we had thought of them our groups needed to think why this person has been chosen to go on this quest.  Is it because they are related to the leader of the tribe or king is it because they are small and skinny so they can get in to small gaps easily? After we had thoroughly thought through all of those things we had our first chapter planned.
Now you’re probably wondering why we are in small groups- it’s because we’re not just writing a normal quest story at the end of each chapter there are four different options  for the reader to choose from. That’s why we are in different groups each person in the group writes a different chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, they just all end up with the same four options at the end of each chapter the options could be colours ,different tunnels, different animals no one can tell.

Even though the first chapter is mostly the same everyone in the group writes their own one just with the same base line. While we are doing this topic in literacy we are doing a lot more writing in normal lesson so we are not doing big writing. Even though we are not doing  big writing we are still getting our levels up because each chapter is like one big writing.
Well done Ella- who will post next?
Write your own contribution, save it to DB Primary, tell your class teacher about it and then ... watch this space!


Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Mental Maths

To our little Year 6 Mathematicians,

We have come across a great website that has practise mental maths papers that we thought you might like to try.  There are 12 tests in total and we liked how it typed the question to give you thinking time before adding the time pressure.
This is not homework but just a chance for you to practise - should you want to.   Maybe challenge your parents/grandparents/brothers or sisters to have a go!
Good luck and let us know how you get on!
The Year 6 Team

Sunday, 23 February 2014


We hope that you have all had a good half term.  To get your brains back in gear for the half term ahead, here is a game linked to probability.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

The Year 6 Team

Friday, 7 February 2014

The end of a long hard week of assessments; most are now finished with just one more level 6 paper to attack on Monday.
All the children have worked really hard throughout the week and their progress across the year so far is evident in their outcomes- all of which they are keen to know as soon as the papers have been marked!

As a little light relief both classes spent time this week creating short animations using pivot stick animator. Elder took this on to another stage when they were asked to create animations that conveyed a message. Some ingenious film clips were the outcome with a mix of written and visual messages created. These ranged from anti bullying to the name of our class to reaching for the stars in line with our recent PSHE unit, going for goals.

Moving into the last week of this half term, the timetable returns to normal and we look forward to seeing lots of children in non uniform next Friday, 14th February, in order to raise money for the Brittle Bone Society. this event follows a highly successful and informative presentation in assembly on Thursday by the house captain of Mars- well done Megan and helpers.

Enjoy your weekend and the last week of half term.

Year 6 team