Monday, 16 December 2013

Last week began with James and Cat, our head boy and girl, accompanying me down to St. Nicholas' Church to decorate our Christmas tree- year 6 had made some amazing salt dough creations, miniature crackers and a variety of paper chains with which to festoon our tree. A photo appeared in last week's news letter and I hope that some of you were able to visit the tree and see for yourself their efforts alongside all the other 70 trees as part of the Christmas Tree Festival.

Tuesday saw the whole school participating in our Christmas Celebration- The Magical Christmas Jigsaw. Year 6 took some leading roles within the celebration and there were many wonderful comments from parents on their performances. Certainly a last Christmas at Crabtree to remember.

This week sees the final week of the Autumn term and still plenty going on in year 6.

We await with anticipation the Christmas dinner on Wednesday and the imaginative Christmas hats that the children create prior to lunch time. Don't forget- if you ordered a school Christmas lunch you won't need your usual packed lunch on Wednesday.

Thursday is the now regular Christmas gym/ dance assembly to the school. This year it will be just years 5 and 6 competing with their Christmas displays to amaze us with their talent and again, their creativity- the children have choreographed their own class dances. A brilliant example of how well prepared they are by Miss Thomas for team challenges.

Following this extravaganza is the year 6 Christmas party.
Children should come in uniform as usual and may bring a change of clothes for  the afternoon if they wish. Please make sure that any outfits are in clearly named carrier bags and if you collect your child at the end of the day do ask them if they have got all their uniform including their shoes!!

Friday- our last day children may bring in appropriately rated DVDs to share in the class and games to play at some point during the day. Nothing electrical please- phones i pads etc are too valuable to be brought in to school as toys.

Here's to the last few days of term.

The year 6 team.