Friday, 8 February 2013

Friday again!

The end of a long week of assessments for all the children who have worked exceptionally hard throughout. The level of commitment to their papers has been really pleasing to see and the results achieved reflect their efforts. We look forward to sharing these results with you at consultations.

As we move into the final week of this half term we will be back to our normal routine of literacy and maths groups.
One highlight to look forward to next week is the Gym and Dance Display at Sir John Lawes on Monday afternoon. As we will be walking to and from SJL in whatever conditions the weather throws at us please ensure that your child has suitable shoes and a warm, waterproof coat to wear.

Many thanks in anticipation of the event to those parents who have volunteered to walk with us. We hope you enjoy the display. Having been in previous years we can promise you a real treat and we are sure that all those children who are involved in our own gym display later this term will come away inspired to try something new.

One week to go and we'll be half way through the year! Where has that time gone?

The year 6 team