Wow, what a week!
It was great to see so many of you at the assembly yesterday and we hope that you thoroughly enjoyed their journey through time. Many of you were able to take the time to visit your child in their classroom at the end to have a look at the work they have been doing along with tasting their culinary efforts. We think they now believe us when we say rationing was not the tastiest time for eating! The atmosphere in the parties was great.
Next week we move onto Christmas and the work begins properly on the Christmas concert. With only two and a bit weeks to go until you will have the opportunity to be amazed by year 6 and their talented performance once again!
Homework next week will once again be learning lines etc so please support your child with this.
A list of costumes will be with you in the early part of next week. The play is set in an imaginary African world and, although the costumes will be simple, children will need some support in getting their outfits together.
Our final major part of the work we will be doing for our topic is a make do and mend activity. For this we will be making rag rugs in the style used to decorate many a hearth in the 1940s. If you have any old, torn, worn out items of clothing fit only for the rag bag that we could cut up and recycle, creating a true work of art for our classrooms, please send them in with your child next week.
Many thanks for your continued support in all that we plan and do with your children.
The Year 6 Team