Tuesday, 25 September 2012

The pace of work and success in year 6 continues unabated.

In our topic work we have been looking at the start of World War II and how it began to impact on the daily lives of the people of Britain.
Our art work has been linked in with our topic and the corridor outside the office area has become a gallery for the work of some very talented artists- scenes after the Blitz at sunset being the theme.

In our literacy work we are coming to the end of our unit on biographies and the children should be using their homework time this week to research questions brought home from school about someone either in their family, or who they know, or using the internet some famous name who was alive during World War II.

This information will then be planned into the form of a biography and written up in school during big writing time. Children should ensure that all the necessary information is in school for Thursday morning.

Wednesday of this week sees our annual day of Modern Foreign Languages. This year each class is looking at a particular region of France. In year 6 we are studying Normandy as a whole region and linking it again to our World war II topic and the D Day Landings.

This weekend sees Mrs Doran's preliminary visit to Marchants Hill, the PGL site that we are looking into in Surrey. Once we know more, a letter regarding the year 6 trip will be sent out.

Next week we begin a new literacy unit on fiction, the childre will need to write a book review during the first week. In order for this to be successful we will be asking the children to decide upon a recently read book and discuss it with an adult at home.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 6 Team