Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Dear parents and Year 6 children,

We are pleased to be able to annouce the activities which the children will take part in next week. Please note that full details of these will be given to the children on a daily basis:

- Quad biking
- Aerial Runway
- Team challenge
- CSI Kingswood
- Crate Stacking
- Archery
- Nightline
- 3G swing
- Indoor climbing
- Mission maker
- Abseiling
- Jungle Vines
- Orienteering
- Swimming
- Leap of faith

The children have been told that they will have the time and content of activities explained to them in the mornings of each day.

We cannot guarantee what time of which day each child will be doing the activities. However, over the course of the week, there will be plenty of opportunities for the children to take part in a wide variety of activities.

As you can see, we now know that the children will definitely need a swimming costume and an additional towel. Nightline can also be very muddy (depending on weather) so please make sure your child has a bin bag and an addition change of clothes preferably old ones. As said in the meeting, please ensure your children have long sleeves and long trousers as most activities require this. Please don't forget to pack sun cream and a sun hat as well as rain wear and a re-usable water bottle.

Please rest assured, for those children who have specific medical and dietary needs, the centre has been contacted and informed of these.

We aim to update the blog regularly whilst away. However, this will be largely dependent on computer and wi-fi access. There will be regular communication from the school office about how things are going anyway.

All children need to be in school with a pack lunch by 11.15 am. Both class teachers will be in school at normal time if you need to drop your child any earlier. We are sure we can find plenty for them to do! :)

The Year 6 Team