Sunday, 13 May 2012
The SATs week has finally arrived and the children are well prepared for what lies ahead. We have stressed to the children that this is an opportunity for them to show off to us what they can do; throughout their time at Crabtree they have been well prepared and we envisage a successful week ahead.
Please help your child to approach their tests in the same way that they would approach any assessments; plenty of early nights, make sure they have breakfast before coming to school, do their best and by reassuring them that we will all be proud of what they achieve.
As the weather takes a turn for the better, hopefully staying that way, we are looking forward to spending a bit more time outside; please make sure that PE kits are in school everyday.
As you will have seen from the time table sent home during the week the afternoons are planned to be very light hearted.
Thinking ahead… We will be doing a mini topic, Race to the Moon, once the SATs are out of the way and would appreciate it if the children could bring in some old cereal boxes, aluminium foil and cardboard tubes, the type found in kitchen roll or wrapping paper for our craft work. Contributions should be brought in from Friday onwards. Thank you in advance for your support here.
The Year 6 Team