Friday, 27 April 2012
The children are continuing to work extremely well this week with a real focus on explanation texts and short story writing in literacy.
In maths we are revising some work on shape and prime numbers; ask your children for prime numbers above 50 to really make them think as well as practice their knowledge. See if they can impress you!
On the note of working extremely hard, all this hard work requires resources and there are a large number of children who currently are writing in pencil when they should be using pen. Please make sure that your child has a blue pen with which to write plus a spare if possible. Pencils and rubbers, pencil sharpeners and a glue stick would be really helpful too. If items are labelled, particularly glue sticks then they can be easily returned to the original owner if they go missing.
In science this week we are continuing our work on the earth and moon, looking at the planets within the solar system and day and night.
Next week we are planning to look at the phases of the moon by way of Oreos- if you see any buy one get one free offers involving white cream Oreos then contributions would be gratefully received- each group of four children will need 8 Oreos.
In addition to working so hard in school, the children have been excelling in their homework too; however it would be helpful if all the loose sheets had a home. Please ensure that your child either sticks the work into their homework book or has a folder in which to keep them.
Many thanks for your continued support