Below are some pictures taken of Elm's recent visit at St George's. The children (and the grown ups!) had a fab time investigating reversible and irreversible changes. Now we know how Harry Potter and his wizarding friends manage to make fire appear and disappear. Do not worry, the techniques shown involved apparatus and materials you don't have at home... Elder will be going to St George on the 22nd of March.
Since our last update we have been working very hard in all areas of the curriculum. The children have completed their Quest stories, produced some amazing leaflets to Harry Potter world, Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade and Hogwarts.We have been equally busy in Maths revising and introducing new concepts such as ratio, proportion and probability. Yesterday, children in Miss Renier's Maths group learnt how to add and subtract negative numbers. Interesing the examples we came up with when talking about double negatives. They may well have learnt now how to get you to agree to something without you realising out! :)
In ICT, we are still preparing the children and developing their spreadsheet skills as next week they will be working on their 3rd Triwizard task consisting in planning and budgeting for a Hogwarts House Banquet.
Another exciting project we are working on at the moment is our Art Triwizard task which consists of representing movement in a Quidditch game using techniques by famous artists such as Marcel Duchamps and Robert Delaunay. Elder has planned their work and Elm has started to paint on canvas this afternoon. It may require another few patient sessions, but the Year 6 team can't wait to see the finished masterpieces from both classes.
Finally, we will be preparing ourselves next week for our Junior Apprentice day taking place on Monday 19th March. Both classes will be planning their task on the previous Thursday and will be making a list of equipment which they will need to bring to school. This may include cardboard/cereal boxes, ribbons, fabric, buttons, bottle tops. To give you an idea, the task set by Alan Sugar is for each House group to produce their own boardgame based on the Harry Potter series. They will have to work on concepts such as costing, marketing and profit. The group who makes the most popular game wins!
Maths Homework was set on Tuesday and was due in today and the weekly Daily Prophet entry will be due in on Friday along with new spellings.
That's all for now. Have a great weekend!
The Year 6 team.