Well, the end of another half term- and what a finish. The children have all worked so hard on their assessments. Alongside those all important bits of paper they have managed despite snow fall and late starts to pull off another brilliant assembly thoroughly enjoyed by all who saw it. We hope your knowledge of Harry Potter is now suitably improved!
Our topic is well advanced and we have more to look forward to next half term with the completion of our Tri Wizard Challenge Cup and a mini topic ‘Race to the Moon’ to get under way. This will continue into the beginning of next term as we do our final preparation for SATs.
Homework over the half term has been sent home with your children today, Friday, and is due in on their return on Monday 20th February. A twist on our science topic with cross curricula links to maths. We hope this will challenge the children to think outside the box!
Looking ahead we will be coming back to an art day on Monday so a few art aprons would be welcome.
Wishing you a very restful half term break with maybe a little dusting of the white stuff to keep those young at heart amused.
See you on the 20th February.
Thanks again for all your support during the term so far.
The Year 6 team.