Monday, 5 December 2011

Wow, what a week!

Wow, what a week!

Year 6 you blew us away with your assembly. A huge thank you must go to all our talented children who pulled off what was an amazing performance last week. Another huge thank you has to go to our supportive parents. So many of you came to support your children and even joined in with the theme, dressing for the occasion. We hope you all enjoyed the fantastic finish to our topic as much as we did.

Many of the children have been really inspired by the work done on World War II and we hope that they will remember their first term in year 6 for many years to come.

We are currently evaluating what the children have learnt as well as what they have enjoyed. Some of their ideas will now feed into our topics for next term chosen, we might add, in response to their highly persuasive letters written earlier in the term. Across the two classes there was a 50/ 50 split in favour of both Harry Potter and Reach for the Moon, so we have decided to split our term into two topics.
We shall be starting with Harry Potter and finishing with Reach for the Moon.

Friday saw our trip down to Grove Junior School where the children were entertained by the Onatti Theatre Company and the play ‘Shipwrecked en France’
Two talented young actors told us a convoluted tale of young boy’s adventures when he became shipwrecked while on holiday in France. A mixture of French and English ensured that everyone could understand the play and the children were totally enthralled as they barely moved for 50 minutes!

As this term draws to a close work continues apace with the children rehearsing their next performances, this time of the gymnastic variety, ready for Friday’s performance to the rest of the school- sorry, no room for parents on this occasion.

This will be swiftly followed in the last week of term by our Christmas Celebration when some of our Year 6 children will be telling the story of the Nativity.

Thursday 15th December, as well as being the day of our annual Christmas dinner, is also the date for the year 6 Christmas party so remember to ring your party finery for the afternoon’s activities.

We’ll finish with a tantalising taste of 2012 when you should be prepared to be whisked into the magical world of Hogwarts at Crabtree upon your return in the New Year.

Wishing you a very happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year

The Year 6 Team.

P.S. Don’t forget to check the learning platform for your holiday homework.